How to Catch The Rhythm of A Song?

What do you think is the most important element of singing? Singing the melody in the right pitch? Having a good voice? Vocal projection? Or, emotional expression and dynamics?

Indeed, all of the above are important. However, there is one crucial element which novice singers often overlook in singing - the element which gives life and energy to the singing voice. It’s the rhythm.

It’s a big mistake to think that rhythm is only important for a percussion or keyboard players.

"Rhythm is something you either have or don't havebut when you have it, you have it all over."

- Elvis Presley

Possessing good rhythm in singing means you can bounce well with the music. You are able to make the tune more exciting, and you have a good grasp over the flow of music; you can sync with the other musicians in a band, and you can create the groove of the music.

So, how can you build a good sense of rhythm in singing? Catch Coach Hanna and Bojana in this week’s episode of ‘Find Your Inner Voice’ sharing tips for practicing rhythm in singing classes, as well as relevant vocal exercises.

Watch the podcast below and apply the tips to your singing today! :)